Course curriculum

    1. Online Course Toolkit - Download this toolkit and go to the next lesson

    2. Welcome

    3. Introductory Survey

    4. Framework and Guidelines

    5. Noticing and Naming

    6. Terminology

    1. Introduction to Microaggressions

    2. Defining the Term

    3. Unpacking the Term

    4. Video: Intent vs. Impact

    5. Microaggressions and Socialization

    6. Video: Themes of Microaggressions

    7. Video: Types of Microaggressions

    8. Who Experiences Microaggressions?

    9. Video: How Microaggressions Impact Everyday Life

    10. Video: Julian

    11. Video: Gemma

    12. Microaggressions in the Virtual Workplace

    13. Video: Panel Discussion

    14. Assignment: Microaggressions in Your Workplace

    1. Introduction: Research on Microaggressions

    2. Research Study #1: Competency Microaggressions

    3. Research Study #2: Gendered Microaggressions

    4. Research Study #3: Ableist Microaggressions

    5. Activity: How Has the Research Changed Your Thinking?

    1. Introduction: Responding to Microaggressions

    2. Responding to Microaggressions

    3. Responding as a Recipient

    4. Responding as an Offender

    5. Responding as a Witness

    6. Microaffirmations and Microinterventions

    7. Responding at the Organizational Level

    1. Video: Recap

    2. Self and Communal Care

    3. Spheres of Influence

    4. Action Planning

    5. Resources

    6. Course Feedback Survey

About this course

  • $199.00
  • 38 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content